
We offer a variety of post-processing options for projects that require colored, detailed models, ‘Looks-Like’ or ‘Feels Like’ prototypes, or simply needing something with a finer finish.

Finishing & Painting

Finishing and Painting services for those needing high finish, colored models.

Finishing and Painting is great for:

  • Final proof of concept models
  • Looks-Like/Feels like Prototypes
  • Presentations
  • Investor meetings
  • Masters for mold making

We can offer nearly any paint color and finish of your choosing. Email us at [email protected] for more information.

If surface finish is not your priority but color is, we also offer part dying!

Vapor Smoothing

Vapor Smoothing works great on ABS prints to achieve nice smooth finish, free of build lines.


Assembly services include:

  • Embedded electronics
  • Threaded inserts (Screw to Expand and Heat Sinks)
  • Articulated parts or Enclosures
  • Welding separated pieces to construct large parts